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ichi radio thread!
Link | by on 2008-04-12 21:33:48 (edited 2009-08-28 10:40:14)



how do you request a song? if you want to request a song, click on chat! then look at the chat title. if it says REQUESTS ON, that means you can go ahead an request. type "/request" and then put in the song you want, plus the artist name so the song can be easily found! if it says REQUESTS OFF, please respect this, and do not request a song!

what can i request? you can request whatever you want, but if its a really obscure song, i may not be able to queue it! you'll be better off searching for the song on gendou, or thinking of something mainstream, or something that you know i already have in my library! unlike a lot of dj's, i do not use the program WINAMP to broadcast. WINAMP allows dj's to post their entire libraries on the internet, but i dont have that! if you want a good look at what i listen to, feel free to browse my profile!

when is YOUR radio on? my radio doesnt have a schedule!! its whenever i feel like it. if you want me to do radio, and im in chat, '/tell' me, and if im in the mood, i will!!


Other threads!

please say hi c: i will lubb u forevs.

Re: ichi radio thread!
Link | by on 2008-04-12 21:36:12
heh so you make it ne~

ichi radio is awesome =]

Ohai. I HAZ RETURN AS OF 18-APR-2020!

Re: ichi radio thread!
Link | by on 2008-04-12 21:46:47
Ohh yus!! Ichigo Radio is so diverse in not only genres of music, but in the languages they are sung in.. It's always great to listen to your radio, Ichi!! X3

Re: ichi radio thread!
Link | by on 2008-04-12 23:26:59
one thing to say... pure awesomeness xD

Re: ichi radio thread!
Link | by on 2008-04-19 08:19:44
Ichigo Radio is the awesomeness! I love it! Rock on! >:D

Re: ichi radio thread!
Link | by yat on 2008-04-19 20:36:46
the thread looks so pretty ~ +___+ . anyways ~ ichi radio is total awesomeness. although she should take time to list down moar songs on her playlist. XP

Re: ichi radio thread!
Link | by on 2008-04-20 08:10:41
I'm trying Yat I'm tryiiiiiing >w

Re: ichi radio thread!
Link | by on 2008-04-20 08:10:52
I love the pretty pic Ichi soo kawaaaiii xD And love what you did with the theard

Re: ichi radio thread!
Link | by yat on 2008-04-20 08:31:25
sayuwi ... *thread. thar. i helped you fix your typo. :D

/puts ichi's banner on my profile

Re: ichi radio thread!
Link | by on 2008-04-20 10:12:11
/love Yat >o

Re: ichi radio thread!
Link | by yat on 2008-04-21 06:02:18
ichi. ganbatte with the playlist. XD

/love ichi too. >3

Re: ichi radio thread!
Link | by on 2008-04-25 18:36:34

Smelly elephant sex for chur radiooh. I'll use my smelly pirate hookr skillz tu mke it nvr forget my presence in it's area.



Re: ichi radio thread!
Link | by on 2008-04-25 18:42:28
Ohhh like whoa, Ichiloohh!! What is shaking in the city of Denver?!?! ♥♥♥♥♥♥ Radioh loffz~~

Chu'd better play some Bob Dylaln for me one day. =< tyaa tee gyarr.

Re: ichi radio thread!
Link | by dorapot on 2008-07-12 16:37:20
song anime??

[ I live in Thailand ]

Re: ichi radio thread!
Link | by kumi on 2008-10-23 17:44:05
can u play tsubasa wo daite

Re: ichi radio thread!
Link | by on 2008-10-23 17:52:24
Keep up the awesome work, peace and happiness! \(^o^)/

pump~pumpkin pumpkiiin~! Bounen no Xam'd, watch it now!

Re: ichi radio thread!
Link | by on 2008-12-06 12:53:42
oh my =D ichi's radio
this thread look so neat !!!
=D awesome =D i like itt xD xD

Re: ichi radio thread!
Link | by ken. :3 on 2008-12-21 16:37:33 (edited 2008-12-21 16:37:49)
woah...ichi radio!!!

so..~ Great!

love it....

::keep up the good work..!::


click this link, PLEASE.

Re: ichi radio thread!
Link | by skoax on 2009-01-15 02:58:15
cool..thx... i love it^^


Re: ichi radio thread!
Link | by *-* on 2009-02-25 01:07:32
*comes to hug ichi~~*
=3= ~+

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