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Tengu Rock Radio fan thread
Link | by inuyasha on 2009-07-13 15:16:35 (edited 2010-02-27 19:47:41)
Hey, this is a thread for any Tengu Rock Radio fans out there.

Don't know if it will do anything to put this here, but i'm going to anyways XD

Uhh..yeah, i've never made a thread before, so i'll just put what I think fits.

Here's the banner for my radio, made by Scarlee:

<img src=""/>

This banner was made by Unico:

<img src=""/>

This banner was made by Nare:

<img src=""/>

If you like my radio, feel free to use either of those banners in your profile.

So yeah, if you like my radio, please tell me so that it might inspire me to keep doing it.

And, yes, I know this isn't as intense as the other DJ's radio threads, but at least i'm trying!! XD

Re: Tengu Rock Radio fan thread
Link | by on 2009-07-13 19:13:56
You know what would make ur radio more intense?

Get somebody to moan on radio.. Or play some moer moaning mp3s.. OOhh OHHH i know... You should get somebo- *GAGGED!*


Re: Tengu Rock Radio fan thread
Link | by inuyasha on 2009-07-13 19:21:39
Lol, noone has ever requested me to moan on radio XD

Re: Tengu Rock Radio fan thread
Link | by on 2009-07-13 20:50:49
lol inu maybe cus they will scream and get your autograph when you do that XD

Tales of FC

Re: Tengu Rock Radio fan thread
Link | by on 2009-07-13 22:11:37
@JC I utterly agree.

You know I might request a moan from Stephen once in a while XP

Re: Tengu Rock Radio fan thread
Link | by inuyasha on 2009-07-14 02:30:17
That would be simply horrible XD

Re: Tengu Rock Radio fan thread
Link | by on 2009-07-14 07:34:00
Tengu radio fan?^^
Try to get 50 listeners at 1 time inu^^

Re: Tengu Rock Radio fan thread
Link | by inuyasha on 2009-07-14 14:49:55
lol, that would be amazing, but doubtful that it would actually happen

Re: Tengu Rock Radio fan thread
Link | by on 2009-07-16 05:19:19

keep up the good work inu XDD

Re: Tengu Rock Radio fan thread
Link | by on 2009-07-16 22:29:25
WOOT this radio is AWESOME!!! LUV IT!!!

Re: Tengu Rock Radio fan thread
Link | by vongola_primo on 2009-07-20 02:14:08
nc bro


Re: Tengu Rock Radio fan thread
Link | by on 2009-07-20 02:14:44
Yeah this radio rawks!ROFL!But, uh nice weird song day today..lolz

Re: Tengu Rock Radio fan thread
Link | by latino on 2009-07-20 02:15:53
Awesome radio oh..and consider this radio thread pimped out

Re: Tengu Rock Radio fan thread
Link | by on 2009-07-20 03:19:08
Good taste in musicccc. ^-^

Seriously, continue. haha.

♂+ ♂ = ♥ ♀ + ♀ = ♥ ♀ + ♂ = ♥. Love is love, no matter who you're with. (:

Re: Tengu Rock Radio fan thread
Link | by υƞιϲo on 2009-07-20 05:59:56 (edited 2009-07-20 06:06:05)

Dragonforce, Metallica, Avenged Sevenfold and more ROCK!!! I say rock on Tengu radio!! A random banner I made, hope you like it. :D

Re: Tengu Rock Radio fan thread
Link | by inuyasha on 2009-07-20 06:28:37
Unico, Dragonforce, Metallica, and A7X is what you'll hear on Tengu ROCK Radio!!

Re: Tengu Rock Radio fan thread
Link | by on 2009-07-20 07:15:53
Good Banner Unico!
Just hope Inu not sing too often in the radio XDDD

Re: Tengu Rock Radio fan thread
Link | by on 2009-07-20 22:21:26
Tengu rock radio is da Best, an iM DA NUm one FAN ..NOT peter!!

Its da best of da best of da best

and that It.. no arguments.

ken sig Photobucket

Re: Tengu Rock Radio fan thread
Link | by inuyasha on 2009-07-20 22:24:07
i've got two number one fans?

sweet, you guys will have to fight for it.

Re: Tengu Rock Radio fan thread
Link | by holkers on 2009-07-21 02:59:08 (edited 2009-07-21 03:41:49)
The site is black,
which shows Tengu Radio rocks.

Should we continue,
Or should we stop.

The only answer is..

Inu is hot,
while so does his followers.
You can't stop,
'cuz you are awesomeness.


I claimed someone that I can't remember because photobucket is ended.

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