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Submitting lyrics
Link | by PhantomAegis on 2014-11-13 07:51:42
I'm trying to submit requested lyrics, but there's no lyrics page, so I can't click edit. How do I submit lyrics for a song that has no lyric page?

Re: Submitting lyrics
Link | by inuyasha on 2014-11-13 10:48:04
This would be a lot more useful if you gave us the song as well.

Re: Submitting lyrics
Link | by PhantomAegis on 2014-11-13 12:01:41
aLIEz by Hiroyuki Sawano ft. Mizuki

Re: Submitting lyrics
Link | by inuyasha on 2014-11-13 16:30:30
That song isn't even in our database...Where are you seeing that? Can you link me to it please?

Re: Submitting lyrics
Link | by PhantomAegis on 2014-11-13 16:33:37

Re: Submitting lyrics
Link | by inuyasha on 2014-11-13 17:22:37
That's the request music page. You can't submit lyrics for something that isn't even on the site yet. You can only submit lyrics for music that's already been uploaded onto the site via the music section.

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